Robot Bringup

For official documentation, Please visit the file in summit_packages_release_melodic-devel/robot_bringup/

The Robot Bringup package is common configuration package that is suitable for use on all of Robotnik’s Products. The objective of this package is to cover as much of the configuration parameters as possible. Therefore this package is a good starting point for any new user.

It contains the relevant environment variables required by the other Robotnik Packages.

In addition it contains bringup files for all of the different components of the Robot.


When the robot is first build and ready to install software on it, summit_packages_release_melodic is installed onto the onboard compututer. Then following the installation instructions in the file in summit_packages_release_melodic-devel/robot_bringup/ will install the necessary Robot parameters on the computer. The following scripts are located in the scripts folder of the robot_bringup package.

source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash && roscd robot_bringup
# Robot params
cp -r env/ ~/robot_params

# Boot scripts
cp scripts/ ~/
cp scripts/ ~/

# Boot service
sudo cp scripts/bringup-ros.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable bringup-ros.service
sudo systemctl start bringup-ros.service

echo "source ~/" >> ~/.bashrc

This code does a few things. It copies the environment variables to a folder called robot_params in the home directory. As mentioned, the /robot_params is the main configurable parameters that the user can tune as they desire.

Since the boot process needs to execute a few things, which is described in detail in Automatic Startup of ROS. The systemctl service needs to call, where most of the startup happens among other things, this is where the roscore is executed. The file is a helper file that sets up the environment variables for the user. The file is then sourced in the .bashrc file so that the user can use the environment variables in the terminal and it displays some default information for the user.

It also copies the boot scripts to the home directory and the boot service to the /etc/systemd/system/ directory. The boot service is then enabled and started such that it is persistent to autostart at every boot reboot of the summit robot.

Lastly, notice in the scripts folder that there is a bringup-ros.service, which defines the service that is started at boot. This service calls the script, which is the main script that starts the robot.